August 28, 2014

{Free Printables} Family Shopping List

I can't believe it's been almost 2 months since I've posted! Life has been extremely busy over the past few months. Those who know me personally know that my mother passed away unexpectedly 2 and a half months ago and it's been a long and painful road for my family since then. 

Needless to say I haven't had much time to do anything for myself really. Much less work on home projects. But I'm slowly trying to get back on track with my goals for the house. And since I love writing on this blog so much, I thought I would try to start back at it. 

Earlier this year I started creating my own printables to help me keep things a little more organized. I've bought a couple different ones off various Etsy shops, such as a shopping list and bill planner. But none that I have found specifically met me and my families needs. So I thought why not try my hand at making my own? 

I'm glad to say that so far they have worked great for me!

So as my gift to you, I thought I would do a series of limited time free printables! I hope you enjoy them and that they help you with all your organizational needs! 

First up, a family shopping list! I swear by meal planning and writing down everything you need from the store before going shopping. Since I have started doing this I have cut down on shopping time, reduced buying unnecessary items and dinner time is a breeze during the week (most of the time anyways).

{Click here to download your free shopping list}

If you decide to give it a try, I would love to know how it has worked for your family. :)

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