May 15, 2014

Spring Mantel Reveal

Spring is in full bloom y'all!

So much so that it's almost summer. However, if you live in Florida you know that Spring feels more like Summer and Summer feels more like H-E-double hockey sticks.

It's hot!

But beautiful. I love this time of year.

I've always wanted a fireplace with a big, pretty mantel that I could dress up for holidays, seasons, etc. But in Florida it's rarely cold enough to really need a fireplace. So they are few and far between.

One day I happened to Google "faux fireplaces". And the first one that caught my eye was Mandi's over at Vintage Revivals. I loved it! And realized pretty quickly I was capable of making one myself. Mine ended up a lot different than the Vintage Revivals version, but that's definitely where I got the idea from so I have to give credit where credit is due!

So around Christmas time last year, me and the hubs set to making this faux fireplace. It wasn't easy, I'll tell ya that. It was our first major DIY project, and the hubs cursed that thing up and down and said "I quit!" about 20 times before we finally got it mostly completed.

It took a lot of begging and puppy dog eyes to keep him motivated, but the end result was the pretty mantel I always wanted! I don't have a tutorial on how we made the fireplace and I still haven't fully finished it the way it was intended to be, but maybe one day, I'll put together a tutorial if I finally finish it.:)

So here it is, my spring decorated mantel! One thing I don't really like about it is that the mantel is too wide, that makes decorating it kind of hard because it never feels like it is full enough. But I'll keep experimenting.

Or if I can talk the hubby into it (doubt it) I'll remove the mantel and make it smaller.

Hope everyone is enjoying their spring!

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