May 21, 2014

{Wishlist Wednesday} Gold Glamour

This weeks Wishlist Wednesday post isn't so much about items as it is about ideas.

I've never been much of a "yellow" gold girl. In fact, I used to pretty much hate it.

But as you get older I guess it is true that your tastes evolve, because over the past few months I have started noticing gold items that I really like. Especially where home decor is concerned. I've learned if you use it the right way, it can be very glamorous and pretty!

As I was scrolling my news feed today, I saw a picture of this room.

Disclaimer: I don't know the original source of this picture to be able to give credit. So, if you happen across this and it's yours just let me know and I'll give credit where credit is due. :)

I love the little gold accents! Especially that side table. This has officially inspired me to start incorporating some gold in my own home. In fact, I would love to make a little nook like this where I could relax and read. So I guess we'll see how my adventures in gold go. I'll be sure to keep you posted.

The next idea has nothing to do with gold, but makes me happy to no end because I finally found what I want to do for my back splash!

I came across this over on The Modest Homestead and I fell in love.

This bead board/baseboard combo is gorgeous and looks pretty simple to boot!

Now if I could just finally get my kitchen cabinets finished. I mean it's only been over a month that I've been working on them.

Please don't judge, there's like a million of them!

If I ever get them done, I can move on to the rest of the kitchen projects. Like this beautiful back splash.


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